Researcher in Education and Marketisation – a Nordic Network
Coordinator: Anna Jobér
Description: A network with researchers from 3 countries and 10 universities that in different ways problematise and scrutinise marketisation and education. We believe its urgent and necessary to think together on for example how new logics change the conditions for education when education becomes marketized.
Anna Jobér, Malmö University, Sweden (coordinator)
Anders Trumberg, Örebro University, Sweden
Andreas Fejes, Linköping University, Sweden
Anna Clara Örtendahl, Lund University, Sweden
Annika Bergviken Rensfeldt, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Alessandra Dieudé, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
Catarina Player-Koro, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Eva Reimers, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Helena Hinke Dobrochinski Candido, University of Helsinki, Finland
Kristiina Brunila, University of Helsinki, Finland
Linda Rönnberg, Umeå University, Sweden
Magnus Dahlstedt, Linköping University, Sweden
Magnus Erlandsson, Malmö University, Sweden
Malin Ideland, Malmö University, Sweden
Margareta Serder, Malmö University, Sweden
Mattias Nylund, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Piia Seppänen, University of Turku, Finland
Sonia Lempinen, University of Turku, Finland
Thom Axelsson, Malmö University, Sweden
Lena Sjöberg, Högskolan Väst, Sweden
ECER conference, Sep 2nd-6th, 2019
Hamburg, Germany
We are very happy to announce that our two-part symposium Doing democracy. Research Perspectives on Risks and Responsibilities within a Marketised Education was accepted to the ECER 2019 conference in network 23. with Prof Marie Brennan as our discussant.
Participants (in order of appearance): Anna Jobér, Marianne Dovemark, Catarina Player-Koro, Helena Hinke Dobrochinski Candido, Piia Seppänen, Margareta Serder, Magnus Erlandsson, Alessandra Dieudé, Kristiina Brunila, Eva Reimers, Marie Brennan
Future Trajectories of Education in Uncertain Times, Sept 23rd-24th, 2019University of Helsinki, Finland
Welcome to discuss about the future of education with researchers, policy makers and educational professionals. 23–24 September 2019Minerva-plaza, Siltavuorenpenger 5 A, 00014 University of Helsinki. The event is organised by AGORA for the study of social justice and equality in education -research centre, FuturEd-research project, Education & Society-research community, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki.